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Early Childhood Program for Innovative Creativity (E.P.I.C.)


The Early Childhood Program at Darul Arqam School provides a home away from home for your child. Coupled with the most recent research in early childhood education and a dedicated and experienced staff, our various programs are the perfect choice for your child. 


Our program puts into practice the fact that children gain most of their lifetime education in the first few years of learning and that this learning takes place best through play and exploration. Our philosophy is based on Islamic traditions in early childhood education.


We use a variety of differentiated instructions to learn about science, math, social studies and literacy. Children will also interact in centers that provide real-life experiences such as computers, dramatic play, art, as well as opportunities for gross motor play.


Arabic and Quran instruction are infused with games, hands-on activities, and stories. Throughout the curriculum, as throughout our school in general, our students gain an awareness and understanding of their world, their Creator, and their faith.​


7:55 - Arrival

8:00 - Table Top Toys and Limited Choices

8:30 - Personal Hygiene & Breakfast

9:05 - Circle Time (date, weather, songs, rhymes)

9:20 - Choice Time (painting, blocks, home area, computer, dramatic play, etc.) or Projects

10:05 - Whole Group Time (Arabic and Quran), Arabic Circle Time (songs, alphabet, numbers, weather)

10:20 - Blocks

10:50 - Math

11:07 - English Language Arts

11:25 - Lunch and Cleanup

12:00 - Personal Hygiene

12:30 - Rest

1:45 - Whole Group Meeting (regroup and go over what we did today)

2:30 - Read aloud & free play

2:45-3:00 - Departure

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